Numerous complaints lead ETSU to show the door to softball coach Belinda Hendrix

Interim Athletic Director Richard Sander said he had not seen results after meeting with ETSU Softball Coach Belinda Hendrix in a statement announcing her firing on Tuesday.
Hendrix, whose team posted a record of 8 wins and 48 losses in her one year on the job, was the subject of an investigation by the school after several players cited an unhealthy team culture under her watch. In the statement, Sander said the complaints came from team members, parents, and members of the community.
The controversy around Hendrix began one year ago when former Buccaneer player Saxon Ratcliff was dismissed from the team shortly after filing complaints about emotional and verbal abuse with the ETSU athletic department. Ratcliff has resumed her softball career at another school.
(IMAGE: Bristol Broadcasting Co News Archive)