Congressman Griffith encourages governor to appeal FEMA rejection of help for Hurley residents

US Congressman Morgan Griffith has drafted a letter to Governor Northam encouraging him to appeal a decision by FEMA to not award disaster relief to residents of Hurley who lost homes and vehicles in August flooding.
A funding package was provided to Buchanan County to help with infrastructure but included no help for individuals. More than 40 homes were destroyed and dozens more suffered severe damage.
FEMA informed the county of the decision last month.
Here is a copy of that letter:
Dear Governor Northam:
I write today to thank you for the federal disaster assistance you have helped obtain for Buchanan County. I also write to encourage you to appeal the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) denial of Individual Assistance for Buchanan County to repair the damage caused by flooding, landslides, and mudslides that occurred on August 30 and August 31, 2021.
On October 26, 2021, President Biden issued a Major Disaster Declaration (FEMA-4628-DR) for the Commonwealth of Virginia which provides Public Assistance and Hazard Mitigation to support the Commonwealth’s effort to support local recovery efforts because of the direct and indirect effects of this catastrophic rainfall event. Though this was a significant step forward in recovering from this tragedy, FEMA-4682-DR only provided for Public Assistance for Buchanan County and Hazard Mitigation for the entire Commonwealth, not the individual houses and businesses that were destroyed.
Like you, I have also visited the Hurley area of Buchanan County and witnessed the damage firsthand. The devastation is severe, with many individuals being permanently displaced from their households. Additionally, many of these individuals suffered total or near total financial loss, after losing both their homes and their vehicles. Individual Assistance is needed and will ensure the full availability of federal resources and guarantee rapid recovery to our constituents in Buchanan County.
Thank you for your consideration and effort to ensure that the Commonwealth of Virginia, and particularly Buchanan County, has all available resources available following this tragic natural disaster.
Member of Congress