STREET FIGHTS SATURDAY NIGHT IS BACK!! More 99.3 The X STREET FIGHTS SATURDAY NIGHT IS BACK!! JACKOPIERCE at ETSU MARTIN CENTER Red Hulk makes it to the MCU in Captain America: Brave New World. Local News TBI announces arrest in 2002 Bristol murder NETN lawmakers ask for $100 million for additional Helene relief VA Governor Youngkin begins signing new bills into law Kingsport Justice Center temporarily closed for renovations School bus driver age requirement bill fails in committee Alleged church robber arrested One person killed in head-on collision in Scott County Former Tazewell teacher receives more than 100 years in prison for child porn production World record cobbler attempt coming to Wayne Scott Strawberry Festival Man dead in Smyth County after officer involved shooting Virginia Highlands opens new state of the art building Lee County fire crews battling 1,000 acre fire Previous Next More Local News