UPDATE: Ballad Health brass orders review of sexual assault patient’s treatment at JCMC

Ballad Health CEO Alan Levine has ordered a review at Johnson City Medical Center regarding the treatment of a rape victim last month that drew stern criticism of her treatment by District Attorney Steve Finney.
A statement issued by the health system said measures will be taken if a compassionate and prompt response was not given to the woman brought to JCMC after Finney said she was sexually assaulted.
Finney called the victim’s hospital experience a nightmare with a list of shortcomings that resulted in the woman having to wait five hours to have a sexual assault kit administered.
Police said the victim was carjacked at a Johnson City ATM machine and then taken to an abandoned house where she was raped while her 1-year-old child was left inside the vehicle.
Christopher Bennett is facing multiple charges in relation to the Sept. 27 crimes.
(IMAGE: Courtesy of Google Maps)