Three life sentences for Boswell with possibility of parole

The 12 member jury completed their service in the Megan Boswell trial—recommending three life sentences with the possibility of parole.
Convicted on a total of 19 charges including three counts of murder, abuse of a corpse, and child neglect, Boswell will have to serve at least 50 years in prison before she could qualify to be released, placing her in her 60s if the state approves. The final word on Boswell’s sentencing will come at a Criminal Court hearing scheduled for May 22.
It closes out a five year process where Boswell lied about the location of her 15-month-old Evelyn, her arrest, then the discovery of the toddler’s body in March of 2020 on family property just 4 days after Megan Boswell’s first court appearance.
Two forensic expert witnesses testified Evelyn died in a trash can wrapped in a blanket; the specialist that performed Evelyn’s autopsy said the child died from homicidal violence.
(IMAGES: TBI / J. Olsen, Bristol Broadcasting Co News Archive)