Holiday fun in the Tri-Cities

The holidays are fast-approaching, and there’s countless family-friendly events happening this season across the Tri-Cities. Along with annual parades– Christmas markets, tree lighting ceremonies, and more happen all winter long.
Bristol: Dec. 1st, 7 PM.
One of Bristol’s most anticipated celebrations, the Bristol Christmas parade takes places the first Thursday of December at 7 p.m. Helping usher in the holiday season, the parade, which starts on Bob Morrison Blvd. and travels down State Street to the historic Bristol Train Station, brings out thousands of area residents who can’t wait to see the beautifully decorated floats, as well as the jolly old man himself.
Kingsport: Dec. 3rd, 6 PM.
HO! HO! HO! It’s time to Jingle & Mingle in Downtown Kingsport! Join the celebration as the community lights up Downtown Kingsport with Christmas Spirit! The parade will begin at 6pm and the floats will glow with lights! You don’t want to miss this event as our iconic parade moves throughout downtown and legendary Church Circle! The Tree Lighting ceremony will begin immediately after the conclusion of the parade.
Johnson City: Dec. 3rd, 10:30 AM
This year’s theme will be “Christmas Around the World.” The parade starts on East Tennessee State University’s campus, goes onto University Parkway and then W State of Franklin. From there, the parade turns left onto Buffalo Street and down onto E Main Street, then Colonial Way. The parade ends in the Old Burley Lot at the corner of Legion Street and E State of Franklin.
Jonesborough: Dec. 10, dark.
What better way to entertain the kids and keep them on their good behavior for a visit from Santa than the annual Jonesborough Christmas Parade. The most unique thing about this parade is the fact that it takes place at night, because what better way to showcase the floats and parade entries than to decorate with Christmas lights! Traditionally, over half of the entries are musical as well, so feel free to sing along with the church choirs, wave at the passing fire truck decked out in Christmas decorations and look in wonder at the live nativity scene as it passes by.
Erwin: Nov. 26, 10:30 AM
Join us in downtown Erwin on Saturday, November 26 to help kickoff the holiday season with the Erwin Christmas Parade. The theme of this year’s parade will be “A Storybook Christmas” and all are invited to join in the celebration. The parade will begin at Erwin Village Shopping Center on North Main Avenue and travel through downtown Erwin, ending at Erwin Utilities on Love Street.
Elizabethton: Dec. 10, 6 PM
Main Street Elizabethton is excited to host the annual Elizabethton Christmas Parade in Downtown Elizabethton on Saturday, December 10, 2022, at 6 PM. The theme of this year’s parade is “Silver Bells”. Main Street will honor The Elizabethton Senior Center as the Grand Marshal.
Abingdon: Dec. 3, 6 PM
Join us for the 55th Annual Abingdon Christmas Parade organized by the Kiwanis Club for the Town of Abingdon and sponsored by Bart Long & Associates Realty and Auction, LLC. The parade will start promptly at 6pm at the Main Street and Court Street intersection. We look forwarding to seeing everyone in the community again this year and don’t forget about seeing Santa to kick of the Christmas holiday!
Johnson City Turkey Trot: Nov. 24, 8:30 AM.
Up & At ‘Em, Inc. presents the 17th annual Johnson City Turkey Trot. Over the years this race has become an iconic event of the area coined as “The Place To Be Thanksgiving Day.” Although this 5k race is the largest in the Tri Cities area, it has become more than just a race to all as it is also seen as a homecoming or family tradition to do every year with over 4,000 of our closest friends and family.
Johnson City’s Candyland Christmas: Nov. 26- Jan. 8
Candy Land Christmas is an event that engulfs ALL of Downtown Johnson City! Spreading from Founders Park all the way to King Commons, 150 Christmas trees decorated by businesses and non-profits will have downtown looking like a scene straight out of Candy Land!
Johnson City Tree Lighting: Nov. 26; dusk
Kickoff event for the city’s season-long Candyland Christmas installation.
Johnson City Holiday Market: Dec. 10, 10 AM—3 PM.
40+ vendors, live music, special holiday guests & more.
Jonesborough Christmas Tree Lighting: Nov. 26.
Jonesborough goes all out to celebrate Christmas in the Storytelling Capital of the World. The festivities officially begin the Saturday after Thanksgiving with the Lighting of the Christmas Tree. Enjoy this spectacular event while you sit back and hear familiar Christmas Carols, a Christmas Story told by a local Storyteller, and best of all, when all eyes take in the glory of the huge lit tree that sits next to our Courthouse on Main Street in downtown.
Christmas in Olde Jonesborough – Every Saturday from Thanksgiving to Christmas
Keep your Christmas spirit alive every Saturday from Thanksgiving to Christmas. Santa himself will make an appearance on Saturday afternoons outside the Courthouse in Historic Jonesborough where he will hear the whispered wishes of all children and have a jovial smile ready for the flash of the camera. Be sure to bring a gently used or new toy, unwrapped for Christmas for underprivileged children in our community. Each Saturday offers a different theme and enjoy free gift wrapping on all purchases made downtown.
Jonesborough’s Made Around Here Market: Nov. 11 & 12, 10 AM – 5 PM.
Each year thousands flock to Jonesborough to browse through the various vendors’ booths, explore hundreds of skillfully handcrafted items and enjoy this one-of-a-kind craft show, Made Around Here Market. Now in its 40th year, Made Around Here Market has grown to be a tradition for many in creating a unique shopping experience.
Kingsport’s Christmas Connection: Nov. 11 & 12, 10 AM—7 PM.
Christmas Connection – the annual celebration of the region’s best arts and crafts vendors – is returning to Kingsport this year…and in a new location. This year, the 43th annual Christmas Connection will be held in the main convention hall at the Meadowview Conference Resort and Convention Center. The free event will be held from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Nov. 11-12 and is sponsored by the Kingsport Office of Cultural Arts.
Kingsport Farmers Market– Have Yourself a Handmade Little Christmas: Nov. 13, 10 AM—4 PM
Have Yourself a Handmade Little Christmas is a gathering of some of the finest artists, crafters, makers, bakers, and more in Northeast TN. With over 50 vendors, passionate about what they do, everyone in the family is sure to find something they’ll love! Your new favorite food truck my be there as well!
(Image: unsplash)