Faith-based event planned pre-race on Easter Sunday at Bristol Motor Speedway

Bristol Motor Speedway has planned a faith-based free event on Easter Sunday prior to the start of the Food City Dirt Race.
NEWS: @ChrisTomlin @MaxLucado & @GaryLevox headline our special Easter Celebration service prior to the #FoodCityDirtRace
More Info: #ItsDirtBaby #NASCAR
— Bristol Motor Speedway (@BMSupdates) March 8, 2022
The 90-minute program will be based at the fan midway area outside the track near Parking Lot E between the green and orange bridges on campus.
Christian artist Chris Tomlin will headline the event that will also feature a performance from former Rascal Flatts lead singer Gary LeVox and a message brought by noted author Max Lucado.
(IMAGE: Courtesy of Bristol Motor Speedway / Speedway Motorsports Inc / Facebook / DPI)