Delegate Israel O’Quinn announced as Deputy Majority Leader in Virginia House

Gate City Delegate Terry Kilgore has announced Bristol’s Israel O’Quinn will serve as Deputy Majority Leader in the House of Delegates for the upcoming session of the General Assembly.
Kilgore and O’Quinn have a prior history working together as O’Quinn once served as a member of Kilgore’s legislative team early in his political career.
Kilgore begins his next term as House Majority Leader in Richmond as the GOP regains control of both houses following close wins and recounts last month.
I’m proud to announce that my colleague & friend @IsraelOQuinn will serve as Deputy Majority Leader in the VA House of Delegates. Israel’s command of policy & commitment to the Commonwealth will make our efforts that much stronger. I’m looking forward to serving together.
— Terry Kilgore (@delterrykilgore) December 21, 2021
(PHOTO: Delegates Terry Kilgore and Israel O’Quinn are pictured at a Food City event last month with Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin. Courtesy of Delegate T. Kilgore / Facebook / Digital public image)