Bristol Tennessee leader ‘shocked’ at lack of response by sister city to FOIA request on landfill
Bristol Tennessee City Councilwoman Lea Powers said she was shocked by City Manager Bill Sorah’s news of no response from Bristol Virginia officials who submitted a Freedom of Information Act request to the city regarding data related to the city landfill operation.
Sorah said the request was made earlier this month and Bristol Virginia’s legal team asked for an extension. As of January 27, Sorah says nothing has been received.
The council is requesting information on the city landfill and a timeline to its recent odor troubles that Powers says continues to send Bristol Tennessee residents to the doctor with problems like lack of sleep, nosebleeds, and nausea.
“We are constantly reminded that we are one Bristol and that we are all working for the betterment of this community but the lack of communication on the part of our sister (city) at this point begs to wonder,” Powers said in Tuesday night’s session.
Bristol Tennessee Council members are scheduled to meet with attorneys this week to consider legal action against Bristol Virginia.
(IMAGE: Courtesy of City of Bristol, Tennessee)